About Us
Mobile Expertise
As a global technology powerhouse specialized in breakthrough and innovative solutions, we aim to bring sustainable growth and success to businesses and partners without compromising anything. Since 2015, we have been offering a shortcut to the next generation of leading global institutions with Skylab’s team extension services. With a 360-degree vision, our solutions address and cover the mobile and digital transformation needs with an enhanced focus on user experience, performance, innovation, and profit.
Don’t waste time with recruitment processes or trying to find local talent. Instead, enjoy instant grow of your team with best talent of Turkey. We are here to help and find the talents you need.
- Mobile App Developer
- UX / UI Designer
- QA (Test) Engineer
How does team extension work?
Gathering requirements
Your company needs specific experts with particular skills, profiles, and experience. At this point, take a closer look at your ongoing projects to understand what skills you need to accelerate your processes, deliver new features, or achieve other goals. During this stage, we usually receive role descriptions. They help us to gain a better understanding of what skills you’re missing and what you’d like to achieve with the help of our team extension service.
Next, we prescreen candidates taking into account their expertise and your requirements, checking whether they have the skills you need, and ensuring that they match any other needs (for example, cultural fit or ability to communicate well in English).
Client handover
If our candidates succeeded in the interviews, we measure their technical, practical, and mental skills via valid inventories. With these results, we create a detailed profile for you to examine detailly.
Finally, if you accept our candidate, we hire them for you and take care of all the key administrative work. We then monitor their performance on the job to make sure that they’re satisfied, and everything is going well.
Access to highly skilled developers
The primary purpose of team extension is that it provides businesses with access to a large talent pool of seasoned developers with diverse skill sets. Finding an equivalent of that on the local job market is next to impossible, even if you’re located in Silicon Valley. Team extension makes sourcing and recruiting the right talents easier.
In-depth industry knowledge
We understand the value of industry knowledge. That’s why, our
engineers have years and even decades of experience in
relevant industries. This ensures fast onboarding, increased
efficiency, and boost productivity.
Less overhead
There’s no denying that team extension carries another benefit: lower administrative efforts and overhead costs. By hiring specialists in this model, you won’t have to worry about salaries, taxation, perks and benefits, workspace, or other issues that come up when you hire someone internally on a full-time basis. Your provider will take care of that for you.
Easy Setup = Faster start
Building an in-house development team takes a lot of time. Whenever you add a new team member, you also need to onboard them so they can collaborate with the team. As a result, it might take some time before that expert is able to start working at 100% efficiency. Team extension eliminates this problem. If you opt for this model, you will get specialists ready to start working on your project from day one. After fast and efficient onboarding, you can be sure that they have the skills and expertise to bring your project to life faster.
Greater control over your team
Team extension offers you greater control over the entire
project and allows you to maintain direct communication with
the team. You’re the one to distribute responsibilities to all
team members, whether in-house or offshore. While your
strategic competencies stay in-house, you get the benefit from
accelerated development thanks to the specialists you hire via
team expansion.
High scalability
Another benefit of team extension is the scalability it provides to companies. Building an in-house development team is challenging – and scaling it is even more difficult. That’s especially true for rapidly growing businesses that need to quickly release new features and simply have no developers to get the job done. Once you team up with a provider, you will gain access to a pipeline of candidates who can be engaged in your project in a matter of weeks. You will no longer have to spend months recruiting and finding the right people.
Contact Us
If you need further information, let us know!
Companies need qualified developer teams for their projects to be delivered on time. We help leading brands to create mobile development teams in Turkey. We oversee every step of hiring and recruitment processes.
Companies from various countries collaborate with us to expand their teams. We have found the candidates they needed, completed the election processes, fulfilled legal requirements for recruitment, and arranged calendars for our developers.
Why Prefer Us?
There are various reasons why you should prefer us among all team extension providers. In Turkey, we are able to reach a large pool of highly skilled developers. Due to the young population rate in the country, there is always a circulation; therefore, we do not struggle to find talents that suit you the best.
Turkey is a nearshore country! We have a maximum 2-hours-time-difference with European countries, which enables our developers to work according to your working hours. It also means that you can reach qualified developers without any struggles or incompatibilities and with a profitable budget.

Agnethe Løkke Madsen
Head of Project Delivery & Support at Visiolink
In today’s competitive hunt for talent, Skylab provided us with the best talent in Turkey. Their hiring and onboarding processes were well-aligned with our needs, and they found what we needed in less than 3 weeks. We’ll continue to expand our team with Skylab. They are highly recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is team extension?
Team extension is the process of quickly finding software developers who have the right skills, expertise, and high level of loyalty for software projects. Some people believe that team extension is simply a more innovative version of the dedicated team approach.
In the team extension model, you get to hire one or more software developers who have the specific skills matching the unique requirements of your project. You establish a direct line of communication with the developers and are responsible for managing such team members, often with the help of your provider. The team extension model ensures that the IT team is well-adjusted to collaborate at the task at hand, and all hired specialists fit your company culture.
How can I find the best team extension service?
When collaborating with a team extension company, you should consider some factors that can affect your work. Firstly, you should find a nearshore company that will not affect your calendar. When you hire people from distant countries, they may not be able to work according to your hours all the time. Secondly, it is important to work with people who are culturally adaptable to your company. Different countries have different work and life ethics, which may create struggle when the developer tries to be a part of your team. Lastly, the company that you will work with should be trustworthy and reliable. You should believe that they can find you the best developers and maintain control over the team.
Why is team extension so popular today?
Companies often face difficulties when they want to add resources to their in-house development teams. First of all, the recruiting process is time-consuming and expensive. Sourcing, attracting, recruiting, and onboarding new candidates take a lot of time. Businesses looking to accelerate their time-to-market and release their product as fast as possible don’t have any time to waste.
Moreover, companies often look for specific skill sets. In reality, hiring such specialists locally often turns out to be very difficult. Team extension gives you access to a global talent pool where you experts involved in your project are fully qualified. You no longer have to suffer from the lack of local talent or have to adapt goals to your budget plan. If you’re looking for experienced software developers, team extension is your top pick.
Which country is the best for team extension services?
Nearshore countries are the best when it comes to team extension. It is because you will be working with skilled developers in a profitable way while avoiding possible issues due to working hours and cultural differences.
Which companies can choose team extension services?
Any company that wants to grow its team can apply for a team extension service. The only thing you should do is specify your needs clearly. Then, you can enjoy your time with your new team members!
Does team extension affect my company’s teamwork negatively?
Companies are concerned about whether new team members can orient themselves into a different cultured team. However, it is not something to worry about at all. We hire our developers by measuring not only their technical skills but also their personal skills. We care about our developers' communication and compliance skills because we are aware of possible concerns. Before suggesting the candidate, we objectively report the developer's skills to our clients.
How to hire the right team extension services?
Check the experience
Finding people who have experience in similar projects and the right skills is the first step to success. Always check whether the specialists proposed by your provider have relevant experience and skills. You know your business requirements best. The hired candidates are going to help you address the challenges in your project and boost your team’s effectiveness, so it’s essential that their experience and skillset fill the knowledge gaps in your team.
Consider the cultural fit
Team extension is all about finding the right specialists will be integrated with the in-house team and dedicating their full-time attention to building the solution. They’re not going to switch between different projects. That’s why it’s always important to meet the potential hire or at least talk with them online.
At Skylab, we always make sure that our clients meet the preselected candidates and carry out interviews with them to check whether the hire is a good cultural fit. After all, this person will be working side-by-side in the in-house team for months or even years, so the cultural fit and easy integration are key.
Control the team’s work
For team extension to work for you, it’s essential to know how to manage a remote team. It’s all about enabling the flow of information for strategic and tactical decision-making but clarifying the requirements for technical improvement. You will have full control over the development process, communication, and even performance evaluation. Make sure to optimize the management of your team to bring the remote and in-house teams together.
Set the goals of your project
Determine the objectives your team has to meet to avoid the ambiguity that could affect your productivity negatively. Develop milestones for your project and create an assessment plan for every team member. Be transparent about your business priorities.
Create an onboarding process for new team members
Before hiring anyone, make sure that you know what skills you need and what the critical challenges of your project are. This knowledge will help you a lot when searching for the right specialists. Once you hire developers, leave them some time to integrate. Don’t speed the things that can’t be accelerated anyway. Don’t require massive results from your team after just three days of working together. Your in-house team and remote specialists will have to learn how to work with each other; you need to give them time to integrate.
Formalize workflows
Introducing clear and formalized processes adds transparency value to your company culture. This affects your way of communicating and management style. Make sure that remote specialists you hire have access to the tools you will be using during the project. Onboarding new team members is critical if you’re looking to deliver value from day one.